unpopular opinion-racism is bad

i will be using xe/xer pronouns for elon. because for his views, xe isnt deserving of the binary

tech giants, especially twitter, has hosted racism over the years. keyword: especially. since elon musk's buying of twitter, a lot of shit happened.

in a study made by CCDH, many posts on twitter's website broke rules on hate speech. when they were reported, however, 4 got taken down. 4. out of 300. the platform also broke its own rules when they put ads near the aformentioned posts. even though they said that it was not allowed.

xe saw the study by CCDH and responded by, get this, giving the organization itself a lawsuit. with the study being described by xer lawyer as "false, misleading, or both". it has seemed like xe really wants xer advertisers back. more recently, stonetoss, yes that stonetoss, got doxxed. and his full name has been released to the entire world. elon responded by banning ANYONE that mentioned his name. xe said it was a "free speech platform", yet xe protects nazis and bans anyone that talks bad about said nazis and xer.

conclusion: there is a racism problem on twitter, and it is elon's fault.